Happy Non-Denominational Cataclysmic Togetherness Day!

BY R. CUVERNSTALE Happy Non-Denominational Cataclysmic Togetherness Day! Fruitcake, latkes, and Kwanza…

The Life of a Triangle Player: The Story behind Igor Duvanovic

For someone under as much pressure to succeed as Igor Duvanovic is,…

MENSA announces “MENSA Charity Drive: Raising Awareness for How Smart We Are” After Recent Decline in Membership

By Captain_Underscore MENSA, Tennessee-At a recent MENSA Board of Directors Meeting, spokesperson…

Bush Nominates Elephant to Supreme Court, Sparks Democratic Opposition

BY JEFF VOLGENSPIEL WASHINGTON, D.C. – Just yesterday, President George W. Bush…

French Prime Minister Tells Rioters To “Please Stop”, Riots Cease Because Of Politeness

BY U. V. Ells Paris, France-After nearly two months of civil unrest…

That Last Issue Was Just Horrid!

PROFESSOR JAHN What was that garbage? The entire last issue was pompous…

Admit it, That Last Issue of The Flipside was Awesome!

After much deliberation, the members of the Flipside staff would like to…

Prince Charming Found to Actually Be Rather Obnoxious

BY KLAUS VAN KLISCKO A conspiracy this majestic has not hit the…

Dr. Suess Proclaims Green Eggs and Ham Unhealthy

BY HUGH OPENGARDENER SANTA FE—In a recent press statement, Dr. Cornelius Suess,…

You Can’t Censor Me, I’ll Censor Myself

BY W. PERRY CRENSHAW I’ve had enough, I’m getting fogging tired of…

Black Eyed Peas Want to Know What You’re Going to do With All that Junk

BY E. PETER WITZEN As part of a pop-culture jabberwocky, Fergie of…

Hurry Potter: The New Ghetto Whiz

BY ISAAC HANIQUIN HOGWARTS-The well known wizard-in-training, Harry Potter, has decided to…