Articles Local Businesses That Might be Laundering Money Overhead image of Par King Skill Golf, Note the large grass field 20x the size of the… Zach Stutland, Hayden Meyers, Ethan Howard, Julia Howard and Greyson SheaNovember 15, 2024238 views3 minute read
Articles A Mouse that Can Midterms are just around the corner again, and House, Senate and gubernatorial… Ren D’AttilioOctober 21, 20221.8K views2 minute read
Charismatic Seniorist Speaks At Student Union—Transcript SENIOR CAF, DHS (Flipside) — A senior with a disheveled appearance stood… Connor VishnoiOctober 21, 20221.7K views2 minute read
[WEB EXCLUSIVE] Charismatic Seniorist Speaks At Student Union—Transcript (Yang Edition) SENIOR CAF, DHS (Flipside) — A senior with a disheveled appearance stood… Connor Vishnoi and Yaokai YangOctober 21, 20221.7K views3 minute read
LEAKED Harvard Admit’s Personal Essay (SUCCESSFUL!) I remember the day the lightbulb burnt out. I remember it like… Leo BaumSeptember 16, 20221.7K views2 minute read
Articles Local Businesses That Might be Laundering Money Overhead image of Par King Skill Golf, Note the large grass field 20x the size of the mini golf course: Zach Stutland, Hayden Meyers, Ethan Howard, Julia Howard and Greyson SheaNovember 15, 2024238 views3 minute read
Articles A Mouse that Can Midterms are just around the corner again, and House, Senate and gubernatorial… Ren D’AttilioOctober 21, 20221.8K views2 minute read
Charismatic Seniorist Speaks At Student Union—Transcript SENIOR CAF, DHS (Flipside) — A senior with a disheveled appearance stood… Connor VishnoiOctober 21, 20221.7K views2 minute read
[WEB EXCLUSIVE] Charismatic Seniorist Speaks At Student Union—Transcript (Yang Edition) SENIOR CAF, DHS (Flipside) — A senior with a disheveled appearance stood… Connor Vishnoi and Yaokai YangOctober 21, 20221.7K views3 minute read
LEAKED Harvard Admit’s Personal Essay (SUCCESSFUL!) I remember the day the lightbulb burnt out. I remember it like… Leo BaumSeptember 16, 20221.7K views2 minute read
Articles DHS Robotics Whistleblower Warns about Sentient AI This Monday a whistleblower under the alias Friedrich Svishenpotz told The Flipside… Hayden MeyersSeptember 16, 20221.7K views2 minute read
Articles Don’t Update Your Chromebook’s Web Certificate Greetings, As we approach the new school year, please remember to charge… Connor VishnoiAugust 19, 20221.7K views2 minute read
Articles I Took a Yoga Class With Winnetka Moms: Here’s How It Went The date: June 7, 2022. I was fresh off of freshman year… Zach StutlandAugust 19, 20221.3K views2 minute read
Articles Advice to Freshmen, From a Senior As a freshman, high school can seem intimidating and confusing. As a… Max KohlAugust 19, 20221.8K views3 minute read
Chem Teacher and Junior Caught in Meth Bust Lies, Corruption, Addiction. Recently, Deerfield High School has been plagued with a… Zach StutlandMay 27, 20221.5K views3 minute read
Articles New RogerHub Calculator Predicts What Percentage of Your Soul You Must Sell Typical DHS students now interface with this UI on With only… Noah MeyerhoffMay 27, 20222.0K views2 minute read
I Know How I’m Going to Spend My Summer, Do You? Can you smell that? No, it’s not the freshman vaping in the… Eli AustinMay 27, 20221.6K views2 minute read