UPDATE: District 113 Facilities Renovation Would Put Major Asbestos Manufacturer Out of Business

By George Minkowski

The halls of Deerfield and High­land Park High School have a dis­tinct aroma. It smells like a mixture of Axe Body Spray, learning, and some third thing. Since the incep­tion of both District 113 schools, that mystery ingredient has been asbestos.

Despite the obvious health prob­lems, the many uses of the asbestos give it a special place in District 113 buildings and District 113 lungs.

Faulk Building Co. provides the asbestos that insulates our pipes, fills our walls, and makes our wa­ter bottles. Over the years as other schools and buildings have sought safer alternatives, Deerfield and Highland Park remained on the cli­ent list. As of recently, they became the only two clients.

If the facilities renovation plan was to go through and District 113 would update and upkeep their schools with modern building ma­terials, Faulk Building Co. would cease to exist.

Although money would be saved, many are hesitant to support the school overhaul because of the job losses that would take place.

The team of asbestos delivery boys who drop off crates of asbes­tos every morning would be out of a job. So would the doctors who treat them… I hate change.

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