Senioritis Like This

By Kelly Clarkson What if I told you it was all meant…

Joseph, Owner of the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Finally Comes Out of the Closet

Super Duper Mean Teacher Decides to Give Final That is Not a Project

Oh My G-d I Don’t Feel Like Doing My Math Homework

Problems 11-26. Odds and even! Is my teacher out of his frickin…

“That Did Not Turn Out Quite as Fun as it Sounded”

1. A third Chipotle burrito 2. Night time game of Marco Polo…

Swimmer’s Life Harder than Yours

DEERFIELD, IL—Two-a-Day practices and difficult workouts do not make for an easy…

Blagojevich Urges Yankees To Just Buy Out Their Competitors, Raise Seat Prices

Know What Would Be Comcastic? If My Internet Worked!

Water Polo Team Struggles to Stay Afloat in Buoyant Conference

Christmas: A Grandfather’s Perspective

Would you look at this weather? Son, in my day we schlepped…

Christmas: A Grandmother’s Perspective

Don’t you just love the weather? I’ve always enjoyed sitting with a…

Editor’s Note In Regard to the Article to My Left

I have seen Flipsides stuck in the new school fence, in the…