By Shrek Johnson

Yeah, I know I changed my name to make it more American but give me a break. Plus, it’s only six months until Halloween and that means only one thing…. It means that I get to go around and Trick-or-Treat. I can tell you for sure with unparalled certainty that I am the best Trick-or-Treater in this world or in the Fairy Tale world.

When I go up to a house they compliment my costume that I’m not wearing and I just giggle and take all their candy.

Is there possibly a better holiday? There isn’t; that was a rhetorical question. There really isn’t a better holiday when you are an ogre because when you are an ogre there really are no other holidays.

But the reason this Halloween is so much more exciting than the other Halloweens is because this year we all get to carry around light sabers.

Just kidding. Everyone knows that light sabers aren’t real. What we are actually going to do that is going to make this Halloween unbelievable is carve out a pumpkin. Can you believe that? I might carve it out to look like me, or the president, or a bunny rabbit, or a train, or a clown, or something else. There are just so many options!

Maybe this year I will even wear a hat and get dressed up. Nah. I’ll just go classic and wear short shorts and a mask and a vest.

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