Up next Republican Leaders: “Is Obama Really Even a Man?” Published on 18 May 2011 Author Andy Devries Tagsin,review,Year Share article The post has been shared by 0 people. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Pinterest 0 Mail 0 Andy Devries + posts Andy Devries https://www.dhsflipside.com/author/adevries/ Students Develop Fear of Bubbles in Wake of Standardized Testing Andy Devries https://www.dhsflipside.com/author/adevries/ “Grandpa Discovers the Internet” Local Teen Reports Andy Devries https://www.dhsflipside.com/author/adevries/ Where’s Waldo? Longest “Hide-And-Go-Seek” Game In History Ends Andy Devries https://www.dhsflipside.com/author/adevries/ Unsolvable Sudoku Destroys Nation
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