Facebook Server Down For an Hour, Yet World Continues to Exist Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008697 views0 minute read
Overachiever Thankful For Homework Assigned Over Thanksgiving Break Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008711 views0 minute read
Thanksgiving Day Last Major Holiday Before Giving Day, Or As It Is More Commonly Known, Christmas Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008715 views0 minute read
Wristbands Now Required For Thanksgiving Day Parties Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008702 views0 minute read
What I am Thankful For: A Pessimist’s Perspective I am thankful for everything. Just everything. Everything is wonderful. How can… Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008704 views1 minute read
What I am Thankful For: A Turkey’s Perspective I just have so many things to be thankful for around Thanksgiving… Sam BlockDecember 30, 20081.7K views1 minute read
What I am Thankful For: An Optimist’s Perspective The birds and the bees and the bubblegum trees… I am thankful… Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008776 views1 minute read
I Hope These Articles Are Short Enough For My Readers, Whose Attention Spans Are So Little That They Probably Couldn’t Focus Long Enough To Read The Title of This Article I really doubt people will even be patient enough to read this… Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008692 views1 minute read
No Problem, Man Really, don’t worry about it man. My old man puts the cashola… Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008681 views1 minute read
My Bad, Dude I’m really sorry dude. I really am. I thought for sure you… Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008769 views1 minute read
Student Goes Straight to Wikipedia After Long Librarian Speech Sam BlockDecember 30, 2008698 views0 minute read