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Designer Replica Handbags PolitiFact New YorkTV and MediaWeatherEditorialsLetters to the EditorAdam ZyglisStateWhen “The Great One” rolled up to Ted’s Jumbo Red Hots on Sheridan Drive on March 10, 1955 62 years ago today he was one of America’s biggest TV stars. A man got out of the car and ordered “a tray filled with pizza and hot dogs,” which he took back to the car while Gleason and two women waited back in the car.Ted’s fans jam restaurants up for 90 cent hot dogsAt least 20 people saw the TV star sitting in his car, but he never got out or talked to anyone there in the 20 minutes they were eating while parked there.Ted’s has been in the same location on Sheridan Drive since 1948.A 1969 obituary described Theodore S. Liaros as “an early 20th century Greek immigrant who built a pushcart business into a citywide chain of park concessions.”Until a stroke at the age of 78, Liaros had spent most of 57 years working 16 hour days, slinging popcorn and peanuts first from a wagon, then starting in 1927 Replica Designer Handbags, hot dogs, loganberry and even pizza from a small shack that had been abandoned by construction workers after the completion of the Peace Bridge.100 Things: Foot long hot dogs at Louie’s and Ted’sEven with the Peace Bridge stand operating, Ted’s lunch wagon was still a familiar presence at the Clinton Bailey Market until the Sheridan Drive location opened.Liaros’ death on Oct. Designer Replica Handbags

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